Picture Post: Pasties
One of my favorite elements of burlesque costuming is the pastie. Pasties are, as an item consistently associated with the choreography of a particular form of dance, unique to burlesque. I never get tired of the way they simultaneously conceal and call attention to the nipple. I love it when performers make delicate jewelry of them.

Above: Pasties in a bowl on the table at Torchy Taboo's house.
I love it when someone uses pasties to continue the theme of a costume.
Above: Nasty Canasta blasphemes with her nipples, as well as with everything else..
I also love when someone takes the idea of gluing things to breasts and just runs with it.

Above: Whitney at the Mermaid Parade, an art parade in Coney Island, in which pasties (and burlesque performers) play a significant part.
And, I love that pasties are in a perfect position for tassel attachment.

Above: Me twirling at the Slipper Room. Photo by Delerium Tremens.
And yup, those are implants under those pasties. When I started performing in New York, it was interesting to go from strip joints, where implants are common and the motivations and risks involved are pretty well understood, to burlesque, where implants are fairly rare and sometimes verboten. A friend of mine with implants says that hers are like the Velveteen Rabbit--she loved them so much they became real. For myself, I'm just fascinated by the effect they have on my twirling style.
I sell a handbook with pastie-making diagrams, patterns, and instructions, plus tips on how to twirl in every direction. Click here to purchase or find out more about it.

Above: Pasties in a bowl on the table at Torchy Taboo's house.
I love it when someone uses pasties to continue the theme of a costume.

Above: Nasty Canasta blasphemes with her nipples, as well as with everything else..
I also love when someone takes the idea of gluing things to breasts and just runs with it.

Above: Whitney at the Mermaid Parade, an art parade in Coney Island, in which pasties (and burlesque performers) play a significant part.
And, I love that pasties are in a perfect position for tassel attachment.

Above: Me twirling at the Slipper Room. Photo by Delerium Tremens.
And yup, those are implants under those pasties. When I started performing in New York, it was interesting to go from strip joints, where implants are common and the motivations and risks involved are pretty well understood, to burlesque, where implants are fairly rare and sometimes verboten. A friend of mine with implants says that hers are like the Velveteen Rabbit--she loved them so much they became real. For myself, I'm just fascinated by the effect they have on my twirling style.
I sell a handbook with pastie-making diagrams, patterns, and instructions, plus tips on how to twirl in every direction. Click here to purchase or find out more about it.