A recent article bizarrely called "This is Burlesque," the wonderful show produced at Corio by Angie Pontani and Murray Hill, "New York's oldest surviving burlesque show." That distinction probably belongs more to the Slipper Room's regular Saturday night show, Mr. Choade's; or to Le Scandal if you include the time it ran as The Blue Angel (from which it evolved). TIB is in fact celebrating its first year aniversary. As the article more correctly states, however, the show IS a quite fabulous, and as far as I know it's the only burlesque show you can see at dinner time! 'Join the festivities at Corio from Thursday, October 2 - Saturday, October 4 as the dazzling weekly revue This is Burlesque celebrates its one-year anniversary. Catch downtown “King of Comedy” Murray Hill, neo-burlesque star Angie Pontani, The World Famous Pontani Sisters, smoldering songstress Melody Sweets and a host of other guests in a show that harks back to boozy spea...