
Hi friends! I'm publishing this blog on Kindle and ready get it rolling again. What would you most like to read here?

xoxox Jo


Lex said…
I'd love to see posts about upcoming live shows in New York! the Google results for 'nyc burlesque' delivers a ton of outdated info and it makes me sad.
Rebecca said…
As an aspiring performer trapped in Minnesota, I really love reading interviews of other performers. I'm also curious about what's going at the Burlesque Hall of Fame. Really anything involving costuming tricks, the passion of the art form, and the movers and shakers (pardon the pun, is that a pun? Let's say it is) in the burlesque world.
I'm currently working on my personal branding... Anything involving interviews with peformers about how they shaped their act (pointers,direction, what not).
Anonymous said…
Performing/touring/backstage stories, interviews with performers, Q&A, any promoting/marketing tips, anything on burlesque etiquette (I liked what you said in your book about overly competitive performers and am curious to know if other scenes have the politics that my city has unfortunately developed).
RJ said…
I love reading the interviews with current and former performers and producers.

One other thing I'd love to read is more of the behind-the-scenes on the technical side: lighting, sound and music mixing.

Keep up the great work!
Sabina said…
I like reading the interviews, but I think my fave posts are the ones where you offer advice on things or review products because there's more of your personality in those.

Too bad I don't have a Kindle!

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