Breast Cancer Survivors Performing This Sunday

Pink Light Burlesque is a program to provide free classes for breast cancer patients and survivors, provided by The New York School of Burlesque.

Pink Light Burlesque Free Classes for Breast Cancer Patients and Survivors

December 4th is our first-ever showcase, featuring students and instructors of this program.

The show will be dedicated to our friend Diane Naegel, who was hoping to perform as part of the project but lost her battle with breast cancer due to complications on September 25. Our hearts go out to her and her friends and family, and to all others experiencing the same struggle.

The proceeds of the show will benefit You Can Thrive, Sloan Kettering, and the operation of Pink Light Burlesque.

Sunday, December 4, 8-10.30 pm.
The Wild Project 195 East 3rd Street
New York, NY 10009
Contact Jo Weldon at
School of Burlesque Phone 212.561.1456
Wild Project Phone 212.228.1195

Buy General Admission Tickets
Tickets are $10, $15, and $20. Visibility is perfect from all seats; lower prices are furthest from the stage.
This is a small venue and seating is strictly limited, so do not wait to buy tickets.
Priority seating in the front two rows is available to donors and sponsors.
We have tiered the ticket prices to make this event affordable for as many people as possible.
If any tickets are remaining the night of the show, they will be available for cash purchase at the door for $25 preferred, $20 second tier, and $15 third tier.
Please contact us about donations or sponsorship opportunities.

Burlesque celebrates the human drive to amuse, provoke, charm, and seduce. The Pink Light Burlesque project invites survivors to take classes to experience the joyous and body-loving fun so many burlesque students embrace. For those who would like to perform, we hope to create a performing troupe of burlesque dancers made up of breast cancer patients and survivors (and a few of their allies). If they continue beyond the classes, these dancers may wish to perform professionally as well as to benefit charity and fund raising events.

We would like to thank Duane Park, home of some of the fiercest classic burlesque, live jazz music, and fabulous food and drink, for sponsoring our studio rentals for November and December.
Check them out!

We would also like to thank Night Owls, The Champagne Riot, and the friends and family of Diane Naegel for their substantial support.

We will be helping other burlesque schools to create similar programs in Seattle, Denver, Columbus, and more cities. Please contact us if are an instructor, survivor, or patron wishing to create a Pink Light Branch in your area.


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