Top Five Stocking Peels on youtube.

I'm doing a Top Five Friday today! These are the top five stocking peels on my mind this week.

I'm including one of my own so that my self interest is really blatant and that my self-serving ways will provoke you to include your own in the comments!

Inga Ingenue at Viva Las Vegas, coming to a slinky soft tragic end:

Midnite Martini does a toe-tally devastating peel:

April O'Peel makes the bench her bitch:

Dita Von Teese gets naughty on national television:

Me, getting down:

My striptease video includes tips on how to make the stockings cling to your toes and how to slide them off without catching them in your knee joint, among other things:

You can buy this DVD here.

You can read about how to buy stockings in my article, Stalking the Stocking.

Julie Atlas Muz, in a routine sadly missing from youtube, does a number in which she comes out dressed as a cop, strips to lingerie, pulls her stockings from her toes directly onto her head, and thereby becomes a robber.

Share your favorite peels in the comments!


Indigo Blue said…
What about Ellion Ness? xoxo

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