Feline Friday: BurlyCon Flashback!

I'm still recovering from the awesomeness that was BurlyCon 2019. I'm a co-founder and the Vice-President of BurlyCon, and we spend all year working to make it great. While every year is amazing, this year was possibly the best yet!

It was also one of the fiercest! I've been creating leopard print gatherings for years now, but at BurlyCon it's just a natural presence -- I spotted it everywhere!

If you didn't get to send me a pic when I posted in the BurlyCon message board, send me one now! I want to see all your leopard -- although this post is just for people who wore leopard print at BurlyCon 2019. If you missed sending me one before this post, I may be able to add it! Email fierce@historyofleopardprint.com.

First, check out me with some of the stylish attendees of my Fierce: The History of Leopard Print lecture!
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Here's Gigi Holliday, Mone't Ha-Sidi, and Raphael DeLaGetto in the Target jumpsuit takeover instigated by Siomai Moore.

Here's Siomai Moore and Indigo Blue in the jumpsuits.

Here's the takeover! Siomai said they're saying "douche" in my honor. I was taught to say "douche" for photos to get super-model-pout lips and I mention that occasionally in class. I'm a bad influence.

Here's Siomai Moore and  Aria Delanoche in Magdalena Fox's Booty-And-The-Geek bike shorts.

Here's Em Em Goode in head-to-toe leopard!

How fabulous is Michee Vrtis???

I can't handle how fierce Lola Love and Miss Catwings are in their matching animal prints.

And here I am in my leopard ringmaster outfit with my beloved sister-from-the-ranch, Ophelia Flame.

As you can imagine, I spent the weekend blissed-out by all the glorious print. People keep asking me if I'm sick of it, but I love it more than ever!

Do you want a leopard print book or burlesque event in your town? Bring me in! We can do it in a library or a bar or a public bathroom -- I'll even help you produce and host an entire leopard print show! Email me at fierce@historyofleopardprint.com.

And Stay Fierce!


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Be sure to check out the rest of my blog! I've been posting how-tos and interviews for over ten years.
And I take requests! Ask me anything.

Also there's this gadget on my blog post that says the tone of this post sounds disapproving. You gotta be kidding me, all I am is approving -- OF LEOPARD PRINT

Photo from below by David Byrd.


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