
Showing posts from December, 2020

Paste Won't Keep Your Pasties On

[This article was originally written and published on this blog in 2007. Note the presence of Myspace!] People always ask questions about pasties. They are, after all, pretty peculiar articles of clothing, in spite of being some of the most traditional items in most neo-burlesquers' wardrobes. As far as I know they are unique to burlesque--at least in terms of dance costuming. One time I was standing in the lobby after a show with my friend Francesca, and someone came up and asked me a question about tassel-twirling. After I talked about physics a bit, the woman said, "And how do you keep the pasties on?" Francesca said, "With paste!" Above: Me at the Slipper Room. Photo by Rocket. Well, we don't use paste--it's not sticky enough, and the kids eat it. But how to keep a twirler's pasties from twirling right off is a frequent subject of discussions backstage. I use flash tape , myself. I have a slight allergic reaction to it, but pinker nipples are...

G-Strings This Week on Sex Worker Style!

I'll be sharing five posts about G-strings this week at Follow me there for all the sparkly history!