Helsinki Burlesque!
There's burlesque in Helsinki:
Helsinki Burlesque Presents
And, the charming Paule Saviano will be showing his photos in Finland:
Striptease Burlesque Photo Exhibition
Photos by Paule Saviano
Underground Photo Gallery
Kirkkopuistonkatu 9, Lisalmi, Finland
August 8, 2008- September 4, 2008
The Striptease Burlesque photo exhibition will be exhibited in Helsinki during the Helsinki Burlesque Festival, January/February 2009.
There's a photo of me in the show, from this photo shoot:

Photo by Paule Saviano.
For some reason, in many of the photos from that shoot I'm yelling or biting or snarling. I wasn't having a bad day--who could be having a bad day rolling around in their underwear on a pink velvet victorian sofa covered with boas? I was just rowdy!
I would like to take my body over there with my photo and see this Finnish burlesque. In fact, I'd love to just travel around seeing burlesque in other places. May I have a grant please?
Posted by Jo Weldon, Headmistress of The New York School of Burlesque, for
Helsinki Burlesque Presents
And, the charming Paule Saviano will be showing his photos in Finland:

Striptease Burlesque Photo Exhibition
Photos by Paule Saviano
Underground Photo Gallery
Kirkkopuistonkatu 9, Lisalmi, Finland
August 8, 2008- September 4, 2008
The Striptease Burlesque photo exhibition will be exhibited in Helsinki during the Helsinki Burlesque Festival, January/February 2009.
There's a photo of me in the show, from this photo shoot:

Photo by Paule Saviano.
For some reason, in many of the photos from that shoot I'm yelling or biting or snarling. I wasn't having a bad day--who could be having a bad day rolling around in their underwear on a pink velvet victorian sofa covered with boas? I was just rowdy!
I would like to take my body over there with my photo and see this Finnish burlesque. In fact, I'd love to just travel around seeing burlesque in other places. May I have a grant please?
Posted by Jo Weldon, Headmistress of The New York School of Burlesque, for