My Signature Number?

Jo Boobs - International Lover
Performing at the Heavens in Seattle. Photo by Chris Blakeley.

I found a video of me performing my International Lover number at the Zipper Theater in Shelly Watson's Interarts Variety show. It's the same number I performed in Margaret Cho's Sensuous Woman show. Although I've performed it in a few cities, I haven't yet done it at festivals because it's seven minutes long, and most festivals have a 4 or 5 minute rule!

I don't really have a signature number, but if I did, this glitter-vomiting, shibari-tying number might be it. I've been doing this self-bondage since Fetish Diva Midori taught it to me about ten years ago when we were performing together at the Black & Blue Ball!

Posted by Jo Weldon, Headmistress of The New York School of Burlesque, for


Malk said…
with the exception of the glitter vomit (just not my thing) that has got to be the sexiest routine I've ever seen on stage! The shibari was truly breathtaking.

If that is your signature move, I so want your autograph!
DaddyO said…
Jo, I love your sense of humor and the video is seriously hot too. It's a good thing I live 3000 miles away because if I was in NYC I might turn into your stalker and how tacky would that be. :^)

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