1960s Style

If you've spent any time around me when I'm discussing my influences, you'll have heard me talk about just how much I love the aesthetic of the 1960s.

Click any of the images below for lots more 60s fun.

Think about Natalie Wood in Gypsy--1962. It's not meant to be set in the 60s, but that is definitely 60s hair.

Click the image above to see a fabulous site dedicated to Gypsy.

See the original trailer on imdb.

Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany's--1961.

The original movie trailer.

Ursula Andress in Casino Royale, 1967
Casino Royale movie trailer

Daliah Lavi in The Silencers, 1967

The Silencers movie trailer

Ann Margaret in the Pleasure Seeker, 1964
Ann Margret in the film.

Most of the Sonny Lester music on Striptease Classics was released (though not written) in the 1960s.

Whatever year it was intended to evoke, David Rose's "The Stripper" was released in 1962, the year I was born.

The 60s may not have been the golden era of burlesque, but they've definitely been an influence on the burlesque of the millenium!


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