Mike Albov's Photos from the Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekend
As much as I miss having the time to take and edit photos, I'm thrilled that I'm getting to see all these other folks' photography. One of my favorite photographers, who as a bonus uploads his shots to flickr to share almost immediately, is in the process of posting his BHOF 2008 pix right now. Here are a few photos of redheads, in order of appearance, from the private Friday night event:
Catherine D'Lish
Tempest Storm
Visit Mike's flickr photostream to see many more dazzling moments from throughout the weekend.
Photos used with the express written permission of the photographer.
Posted by Jo Weldon, Headmistress of The New York School of Burlesque, for burlesquedaily.blogspot.com.


Catherine D'Lish

Tempest Storm
Visit Mike's flickr photostream to see many more dazzling moments from throughout the weekend.
Photos used with the express written permission of the photographer.
Posted by Jo Weldon, Headmistress of The New York School of Burlesque, for burlesquedaily.blogspot.com.