Business of Burlesque Presentation January 15 2022

Hello everyone! You can watch/listen to the Business of Burlesque presentation here. This was a presentation about how new burlesque performers can begin to get gigs.
The slide show begins a couple of minutes in. The question and answer section begins at about 33 minutes in.

Note that there are dozens of articles on the art and business of burlesque on this blog, so do go to the search box in the upper right hand corner of the main page and see if the topic that interests you is discussed here.

There is also a chapter on professional etiquette in The Burlesque Handbook.

If after listening to all 55 minutes you have suggestions, questions, regional-specific differences, disagreements, or corrections, drop it in the comments here or on youtube! Students will see it! If you post it on Facebook and talk about it there, they'll never get to see your comments and they will eventually get lost in the Facebook feed.

Still want more? Request the "Get the Gig" ebook by emailing

Almost all New York School of Burlesque classes are taught by performers who also produce shows. Attending burlesque classes is a great way to network with fellow students AND people who are significant movers and shakers in the burlesque industry and community!

Here are a few burlesque community resources. When following a social media account or joining a social media group, always spend some time reading through the guidelines and previous posts before you participate. Beware of drama-stirrers. If you're looking for NYC shows to attend or perform in, check out the NYC Burlesque Shows can related arts promo list: The Burlesque Hall of Fame A List of Burlesque Festivals -- I update it when someone suggests a fest to me


Here's my article on different types of shows and how to audition for them:

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