From STAGE TUBE: MINSKY'S Gregg Barnes on Costuming Burlesque (TV Content)

There's no way I'm missing this!

"Minsky's is a big, racy, new musical comedy set in a time when entertainment was about legs and laughs, and you had to push the limits to keep the customers buying tickets. A rollicking backstage story, set in Prohibition Era New York City. Tony Award winning costume designer Gregg Barnes talked about his creations for MINSKY'S on the show's official site in a wonderful audio/video essay that we are excited to bring you here on BWW TV! "

Check out this video with the costumer talking about burlesque in the 20s and 30s, and how they designed the costumes for the show. I have no particular desire to make a living on Broadway, much as I love to visit, but oh, for a budget!!


Posted by Jo Weldon, Headmistress of The New York School of Burlesque, for


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