Vintage Vegas with Ruth Lewis, Former Burlesque Queen
Vintage Vegas 'Valentino's Zootsuit Connection is a shopping mecca for dedicated vintage aficionados like Liz Goldwyn. But our guide, Ruth Lewis, is Sin City's original maven of retro glamour. ' This video was recommended to me by Fancy Chance , Burlesque Terrorist! Posted by Jo Weldon, Headmistress of The New York School of Burlesque , for . The footer above is new. Please note, if you are re-publishing posts or substantial portions of posts or images from this blog--not that an embedded video as I used today constitutes an original article, but I'm just laying it down for future reference before I post any more articles with significant amounts of original content--you must include the footer above ("") along with its clickable links. Please respect the time and effort that goes into producing these posts (which includes time-consuming things like asking for permission to use photos