Burlesque Resources!
Burlesque Industry Magazines, Websites, Blogs, Press, etc. Compiled By Lula Houp-Garou in The Fringe Forum Pin Curl Magazine: http://pincurlmag.com/ 21st Century Burlesque: http://21stcenturyburlesque.com/ Bachelor Pad: http://www.bachelorpadmagazineonline.com/ The Burlesker - Arts by, for, about the Burlesque Community: http://berlesker.com/ Burlesque Beat www.burlesquebeat.com Burlesque Bitch: www.burlesquebitch.com The Burlesque Bible: http://www.burlesquebiblemag.com/ Coochie Crunch: http://coochiecrunch.com/ Burlesque Magazine: http://www.burlesquemag.com/ This is Cabaret: http://www.thisiscabaret.com/ Burlesque Stars http://www.burlesquestars.net/ Blogs: Burlesque Daily: http://burlesquedaily.blogspot.com/ The Shimmy Up - Tools, resources and advice for the classy, savvy and ethical performer: http://www.theshimmyup.com/ Burlesque Seattle Press: http://burlesqueseattle.com/ Sydni Deveraux's Stripper Talk: ht