Master Splits with Freya West in NYC!

Splits look beautiful on stage and can be a powerful addition to any performer’s choreography. Desire those gorgeous flat splits but need coaching on how to get there? You probably won’t get your splits in just one session, but this conditioning and stretching workshop will give you the tools to take home to work on your splits focusing on stability and safety. Employing a variety of strengthening exercises and static stretching, Journey to Splits can help you reach your flexibility goals.

March 30, 2019.

Register Now

From Freya:
I'm Freya West. 
I'm a body positive, shimmy shaking, fire eating performance artist, writer and teacher. 
A professional writer since 2006, I've been a beat reporter for a scrappy Chicago newspaper, offbeat arts feature writer for glossy consumer magazines, social media consultant for teen pop idols, copywriter for trade and consumer brands, managing editor of travel publications, and communications manager for multi-state non-profits, balancing corporate sensibilities with communications that connect. 
I began my burlesque warrior journey in 2008, learning from Michelle L'Amour. Since then, I moved to Nashville, TN, and now produce and perform with Music City Burlesque, and started my finishing school for fierce ladies, Delinquent Debutantes, in 2010. 
I've been on stage in 15 states and four countries, including headlining Iceland's very first burlesque show. I’ve been on screen in several music videos and a few reality TV shows. 
I've taught more than 300 women the power of the shimmy in my burlesque classes. They're yoga teachers, soul searchers, entrepreneurs, and corporate vixens. 


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