Burlesque Legend Miss Topsy!

Above: Miss Topsy. 
Image from the Collection of Burlesque Hall of Fame Board Member Neil Nez Kendall

A message from Nez! His text follows:

I have amazing news!!
Since last June I have been on and off chatting to 1950's Burlesque Star Miss Topsy thanks to some amazing people in the US community who got me in touch with her.
She is a huge and significant part of Burlesque history so with that in mind.
I AM GOING TO DO A LAST MINUTE FUND RAISING BID TO COVER HER AIR FARE TO GET HER TO BURLESQUE HALL OF FAME THIS JUNE!! I am already running a half marathon and have set up a Just Giving Page in the body of this post !
Topsy has never been to Vegas and hasn't been aware of our work at Burlesque Hall so its time to redress that balance!!
I have just come off the phone to Topsy and got a yes to a visit in June !!
... its taken weeks to convince her to come and this is coming months after Sweetpea put me on a detective trail to find her last summer.
I am going to pay for her plane tickets myself and set up a just giving page so we can cover her hotel and ground transport costs. Gin Minsky has copied all the 10 x 8 I have of her so she can sell those and make some cash at the weekender.
We just spent one hour recording her story over the phone.Topsy had quite the career working in France, London, the Far East and throughout Europe. She was a major star in the business and worked from the late 1950s into the 1970s
Here is what she had to say
'Wow,wow, wow!! I want thank you all for bringing burlesque back ... that is amazing.I would love to come to Las Vegas but I haven't been on a plane since 9\11.I would love to come to Vegas and I can't believe anyone would remember me!'
She is full of life and hilarious!! Perle Noire Tawnya Konobeck Dirty Martini and Livia Alour I am going to need your help on this but we have a green light for go !!
Whilst Miss Topsy is calling her granddaughter so she can travel with someone I am going to set up a page to raise funds to cover her costs over the weekend. So please watch out for the link
For a living POC legend from the 1950s to be rediscovered is truly remarkable and the fact that I have persuaded her to come is even more amazing!!
I can sell the following 10 x8 s taken by Maurice Seymour to cover the costs of her hotel fees and to start have three high quality poses below for £12 each. Plus she will be vending part of the weekender and signing the prints from these collections which Gin Minsky has made high res copies of !!!
PLEASE GIVE THIS A SHARE !!! Let's make this happen !! Don't forget to donate to the Just Giving Page.
So, in a nutshell, I will cover her plane ticket the Just Giving Page plus all sales of her pictures I hope will cover her granddaughters plane ticket and ground transport! I hope that makes sense.
END Neil's message. Follow him here.

Dustin Wax, Executive Director at BHoF, says, " If Miss Topsy wants to come to the Weekender, we can cover her airfare and hotel (2 days on her own or all 4 if she'll room up with another Legend). Plus pass and vending space so she can sell photos."

Support Miss Topsy coming to Vegas at:

If you don't know about the Burlesque Hall of Fame, learn more here:

I'll soon be posting an article about what it means to me!
--Jo Weldon


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